May 13 – June 3, 2023

China Blue

Listening for the Unheard

About the Exhibit

“Listening for the Unheard” is an exhibition of sculptures, installations and paintings that play with the sounds in Saturn’s rings discovered by the artist. China Blue is interested in using sound as a sculptural form to fill and to also energize space by calling upon its Fung Shui application. Thus she defines internal architectural spaces as its own shape delineated by sonics. She has claimed this terrain based on sampling our sonic environment for what we don’t hear including these acoustics which she and her team discovered for NASA.

The unheard is a category of sound not accessible to human ears. It can also be applied to those acoustics that we are deaf to resulting from the internalization of racism or sexism. By exploring this arena China Blue illuminates the importance of learning to listen into what we are unmindful of to strengthen our divided communities.

Press Release

Listening for the Unheard
May 13 – June 18, 2023
OPENING May 13, 2023
Reception 4-7pm
“Listening for the Unheard” is an exhibition of sculptures, installations and paintings that play with the sounds in Saturn’s rings discovered by the artist. China Blue is interested in using sound as a sculptural form to fill and to also energize space by calling upon its Fung Shui application. Thus she defines internal architectural spaces as its own shape delineated by sonics. She has claimed this terrain based on sampling our sonic environment for what we don’t hear including these acoustics which she and her team discovered for NASA.

The unheard is a category of sound not accessible to human ears. It can also be applied to those acoustics that we are deaf to resulting from the internalization of racism or sexism. By exploring this arena China Blue illuminates the importance of learning to listen into what we are unmindful of to strengthen our divided communities.

China Blue is an internationally exhibiting and award winning, sound based visual artist whose work is inspired by both the fundamental principle that sound is energy made physical and the Chinese usage of acoustics in Feng shui to energize space. Over the past two plus decades she has discovered the voice of the iron of the Eiffel Tower and for NASA recorded the shock wave that leveled a forest in Siberia and the acoustics of Saturn’s rings. She has also transformed cricket calls, sonified firefly signals and recorded the acoustics produced by our brains. With this material she makes sculptures, forms installations and designs and leads soundwalks.
She has worked in collaboration with Dr. Seth S. Horowitz neuroscientist, space scientist and author of “The Universal Sense: How Hearing Shapes the Mind” and renowned composer of the T-Mobile ringtone Lance L. Massey. As a team they have discovered that innovation occurs by working together.

Mat Kaplan of The Planetary Society says: The songs are both “beautiful and evocative.”

Art Critic Lilly Wei says: “Cassini’s Dreams…is a remarkable visual arts and sound project that is partly scientific and partly poetic”


SUN, May 21, 2-4pm, $25
Live Music and Dance Collaboration by ACA
The collaboration will be between two seasoned Canadian artists Andrea Nann (dancer & choreographer) and Anne Bourne improvisational cellist with China Blue’s sonic labyrinthine work “Saturn Walk.” Nann is interested in investigating human connection and communication in movement while Bourne composes and engages in environmental listening as a collective empathic gesture with an attention to the wild forests and the deep ocean.

About the Collaborators
Andrea Nann is a contemporary dance artist and founding artistic director of Dreamwalker Dance Company. Through her work she enlivens Dreamwalker’s invitation to awaken and experience oneself and the people and places around each of us; increasing potential for human connection, communication and originality.

Anne Bourne composes electroacoustic works for multichannel spatial installations in collaboration with artists and writers, scholars and scientists who stand for the wild forests and the deep ocean. She creates emergent streams of piano, cello, voice, AV field recording, and text to explore themes of equanimity, translation, microtonal sound, listening and walking.

SAT, June 3, 3-5pm
Artist’s Talk with Art Historian Stephanie Jeanjean PhD
Art Historian Stephanie Jeanjean, PhD will speak with China Blue about her work and her interest in creating art at the intersection of science and technology. Stephanie Jeanjean states: “as China Blue demonstrates…nothing is still nor silent, the void is filled with the sounds of in-commensurable invisible forces that can be heard by those who listen to them.”

About the Artist

China Blue is an internationally exhibiting and award winning, sound based visual artist whose work is inspired by both the fundamental principle that sound is energy made physical and the Chinese usage of acoustics in Feng shui to energize space

Gallery Hours

• During  opening receptions 4-7pm

Regular Gallery Hours
Thursday 12-5
Friday-Saturday 12-6
Sunday 12-5
& Showing by Appointments
Closed Holidays



9 Jane St,
Saugerties, NY, 12477

(845) 217-5715

Jane St Art Center